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Rebuilding Perspectives Association

Rebuilding perspectives is a regional association, established by five members of the New Thracian Gold network. The initiatives and projects of the association are devoted to supporting local tourism economy, work with young people and informal education through travel and outdoor activities (learn by doing).

Main purpose of the association is to maintain the products, developed under the New Thracian Gold project, but more specifically:

- to maintain the TransRhodopi trail (tracks, marking, maps, marketing, etc),

- to support entrepreneurs from the network with web marketing and networking,

- to prepare young people and entrepreneurs for life and developing small business in the region, stimulating them to stay and revibe local villages, farming and economy,

- to support local events and initiatives with web marketing .


Financing of the above mentioned activities come from: donations, regional grants, sales of maps and guidebooks.

If you want to directly support local activities, local nature based business and development of the amazing region of the Eastern Rhodopi mountains you could send your donation to this bank account:

Bulgarian Post Bank, office Kardzhali, IBAN: BG84BPBI81701606513236, BIC: BPBIBGSF

or directly book a tour or a stay HERE.

Organic model farm

ORGANIC MODEL-FARM TOPOLOVO village,  MADZHAROVO municipality  This model-farm plays a key-role in the New Thracian Gold (NTG)...

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Kardzhali town

   Kardzhali is a town in Southern Bulgaria and it is located in the valley of Arda river, which is the biggest river in the...

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