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What is the New Thracian gold

New Thracian Gold (NTG) is a Bulgarian-Dutch project, active in the period 2009-2014, aiming at the greener future for the Eastern Rhodopes. The main objective is to develop sustainable initiatives which promote and combine organic farming, nature conservation and ecotourism.

Since 2014 the "New Thracian Gold" is the trade mark of the network of farmers and tourism entrepreneurs in the Eastern Rhodopes mountains. Read more here:

In 2014 "Rewilding Rhodopes" foundation was established which inherited the work in the nature of the NTG wilderness team.

The project in 2009-2014 was financed by the Dutch Postcode Lottery, the biggest charity lottery in the Netherlands.

Dutch and Bulgarian experts on ecotourism, sustainable development, biodiversity/wildlife, organic farming, PR/communication participate in  the project. The team is supported by two Dutch expert organizations –  ARK with expertise in nature restoration and Avalon, specialized in organic farming. The Bulgarian partner organizations involved are the Bulgarian Society fot the Protection of Birds, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation and the foundation Friends of the Rhodope Cow, Gabi Tours&Consulting, Taofes and others.

The New Thracian Gold project implements a unique approach combining three components:

Wilderness and biodiversity
The wilderness component aims at creating and preserving one of the best wilderness areas in Europe. The region’s nature still is relatively pure. Further degradation can be stopped by restoring essential ecological processes and promoting sustainable management and use of natural resources. Short term initiatives emphasize the key role for natural grazing and reintroduction of native, wild herbivores. The unique biodiversity of the Eastern Rhodopes is at stake and raising awareness and involvement of local people has highest priority. The beauty and grandeur of the landscape and nature create the green gold for ecotourism. Restoration and sustainable conservation of the unique wildlife of Eastern Rhodopes provides a basis for development of a greener economy in the region. 

Organic agriculture
Organic farming in conjunction with ecotourism will create jobs, raise life standards and reduce the depopulation of rural areas. The New Thracian Gold  hopes to achieve this by investing in exchange of  experience and knowledge through training, seminars and demonstration farms.  Support is provided at various stages of organic land use. Last but not least New Thracian Gold stimulates and promotes the sales of the unique eco-products. 

Sustainable tourism
The Rhodopes have all the necessary prerequisites to become a favorite destination for ecotourism - stunning scenery, a great variety of flora and fauna, rich cultural heritage. Again, by investing in the exchange of experience and special trainings, the project helps local tourism initiatives which stimulate discovering the green gold. Our local partners are tourism entrepreneurs and owners of organic farms, B&B’s, hotels which offer accommodation and guided excursions and activities. Promotion of the Eastern Rhodopes as an ecotourism destination on a national and international level is another project aim. Advertising and promotion starts with revealing the green gold. The region’s obscurity is tackled now with the Tourist Map and the first ever Tourist Guidebook of the Eastern Rhodopes.

Brochure from 2011 check here .


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