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Team of the New Thracian Gold nowadays

Nowadays the activities and products , developed under the New Thracian Gold project are managed by "Gabi Tour Ltd". It is Gabi Tour who is financing and organizaing all maintenance of this web page and relative facebook page since the year of 2015.

The New Thracian Gold network of entrepreneurs and farmers in the Eastern Rhodopes is coordinated by Mihaela Kircheva - sustainable development and ecotourism expert.

The activities of the "Wilderness and biodiversity" component of the New Thracian Gold project are managed by the Rewilding Rhjodopes foundation and the experts Stoycho Stoychev (Bulgarian Society for the Protection of the birds), Stefan Avramov (Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation) and Hristo Hristov (foundation "Friends of the Rhodope Cow").

Bike Route Rudopia

The Rudopia (Рудопия) is a 440 km long mountain bike route, marked with arrows and signs in the Rhodopi mountains, developed by...

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Wineries and wine tastings

Winery Trakia in the village of Popovets ive varieties of Dyado Dimovo Domashno Vino (Grandfather's Dimo Home-made Wine) are available to...

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